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The Story behind Birth Nerd

"Birth - the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother"

- Oxford Dictionaries

Hello, I thought it was about time I introduced myself. I'm Steph, mum to Lucas, Isaac and Oliver, midwife, KG Hypnobirthing teacher and founder of Birth Nerd.

I have always wanted to be a midwife, right from a very young age. There is just something so spectacularly beautiful and amazing about how a woman's body can grow, nurture and birth a baby. My whole school and college education was geared towards going to university to study midwifery. But I strongly believe that being a midwife is more than a midwifery degree, its within our soul, a calling in life.

I trained at Liverpool John Moores university (fabulous university), it was everything I expected it to be and more. Any student midwife will tell you that its far from a 'normal' degree. It takes over your life, you eat, breathe and live midwifery. Upon graduation I worked at an amazing maternity unit in the North West. Colleagues became friends for life, my second family. Even during the busiest of shifts you would still see us wearing a smile, hear the general chit chat, and laughter. I miss my work family. But with a young family, gruelling 12 hour shifts and trying to juggle a million and one things, something had to give. With a very heavy heart I decided to take a career break and pursue a different avenue.

So here I am several months down the line launching Birth Nerd, and I honestly couldn't be happier. My passion has been re lit. I finally feel like I am me. Supporting women, empowering them, I am finally being 'with-woman'. Every mother may need encouragement and support in her own way, and that is what I hope to do.

My absolute mission is to give women the tools and information they need to make their birth a positive one. A positive birth doesn't always have to be a pool birth at home. Birth is birth - the emergence of a baby from its mother. But a positive birth is when a mother feels supported and in control. Where the decisions she has made are fully informed, and right for her at that given time.

The real truth is that without a crystal ball, we never know the outcome until it happens. Birth is individual, no two births are ever the same.

My aspirations are to set up a safe on-line community, where women can ask questions and have access to evidence based research and not have to consult Doctor Google ever again! I would love to share my knowledge far and wide, with everyone, not just my clients.

I am always happy to answer any questions surrounding birth, my experiences and hypnobirthing.

If you are looking to take the next step to a positive birth, Birth Nerd courses run throughout Cheshire and Shropshire. Take a look at my website for more information

Steph x

The information provided by the Birth Nerd blog and in my capacity as a hypnobirthing teacher is not medical advice. If you have any concerns or questions relating to your pregnancy please contact your midwife or other health professional who will have access to your health records.

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